Best Ways to Smoke Weed in Your Apartment

Best Ways to Smoke Weed in Your Apartment

It might sound crazy, but cannabis isn’t for everybody. In fact, some people actively dislike it! This can be a challenge if you love to smoke weed in your apartment. Whether you’re renting, have roommates (or both), there might be people around you that don’t feel the same way about cannabis as you. And even if you do own your apartment, you might still have to deal with building managers or strata telling you what you can or can’t do.

But that’s the reality of living in shared spaces, and it often requires a bit of compromise and mindfulness when it comes to things like cleanliness, noise, having visitors and, yes, smoking weed in the apartment.

But when the weather gets bad, or it’s too cold outside, or if you’d simply rather smoke a decent joint while binging your latest Netflix obsession, you’ve probably considered smoking weed in your apartment (if you haven’t already).

We don’t know how 420-friendly your living situation is, but we’ve got some tips and tricks on how to covertly smoke weed in your apartment so you can avoid bothering those who don’t like it.

4 Tips for Smoking Indoors

1. Open the Windows

Opening the window is one of the most obvious and important things you should do if you want to smoke cannabis in your apartment because it lets the fresh air in and the smoke out.

This tip works best if you have the apartment to yourself for a while because you’ll need time for the weed smoke to air out properly.

If you’re chilling in the living room, smoking a joint with the window open, and your roommate walks in on — there’s no way out of that one. All you can do is own up to it, hope they’re cool with it, and maybe offer them a toke if they’re 420-friendly.

If you want to get more advanced with it, we suggest hanging out next to the open window and blowing the smoke outside after each puff.

Fans can also help you air out the room. Ceiling fans circulate the air, while pedestal fans allow you to direct the smoke and blow it out the window.

If you’re still paranoid about the smell, there’s always Febreeze and other air fresheners.

open window to air out weed smell

2. Towel Under the Door

Stuffing a towel under your door is a great way to keep the smoke and smell from escaping the room you’re in.

Simply take any towel, roll it up lengthwise, and stuff it in the gap between your door and the floor. Making the towel a little damp beforehand will make this even more effective.

So, if you’re smoking in the living room of your apartment, make sure to block the space under the main door, so the weed odour doesn’t get out to the hallway. If you’re trying to have a sneaky joint in your bedroom without your roommates knowing, then stuff the towel under your bedroom door.

Keep in mind that while this method will prevent the smoke and smell from leaving the room, it won’t do anything once you open the door.

It’s particularly effective for smoking in your bedroom, bathroom, or living room, and for best results, it should be combined with an open window (unless you’re trying to hotbox).

  • Pro Tip: It’s also best to chill for a few minutes with the windows open to let the room air out before opening the door

3. Make a Sploof

A sploof is a tube with a filter at one end that you blow the smoke into that reduces the smell and thickness of the smoke. You can buy sploofs online (a popular brand is Smoke Buddy), but you can just as easily make one yourself.

How to Make a Sploof

All you need to make a sploof are an empty paper towel (or toilet paper) roll, a few dryer sheets, and an elastic band.

  1. Get an empty paper towel or toilet paper roll

  2. Stuff one end with a couple dryer sheets

  3. Wrap a dryer sheet around one end and secure it around the roll with an elastic band.

You can also make a sploof out of a plastic bottle if you cut off the bottom and and get a few dryer sheets.

A sploof is an easy and effective way to cut down on the smell and the smoke for a more covert blaze session.

paper rolls for spoof

4. Use a Bong Instead

Even though bongs and joints both produce smoke, they are not the same. A joint produces far more smoke over a longer period of time.

A moderately sized joint can take anywhere from ten to thirty minutes to finish. That entire time, it’s burning and creating smoke, whereas with a bong, you smoke the bowl and then it’s done.

Smoking a bong, using a sploof, then blowing it out the window would be the best way to smoke in your apartment and get away with it.

Low key alternatives to smoking

1. Vape or dab

Vaping and dabbing are far more discreet than smoking because there’s no smoke and barely any smell. Another plus of vaping and dabbing is that it often tastes better, too.

You can do either flower or concentrates, depending on the vape you get, and some vapes can even do both!

The temperatures used for dabbing and vaping are much lower than smoking, with a sweet spot in the range of 350-450° F (about 177-230° C), which means there is no combustion (or burning) when you vape or dab— making it a lot easier on your lungs, too!

Compare that to burning a joint, which can reach temperatures over 900° C!

Because vaping and dabbing involve inhaling vapour instead of smoke, the smell doesn’t linger as the vapour quickly dissipates in the air.

Vapes of all shapes

Vapes come in all shapes and sizes — from large desktop vaporizers like the Volcano to small vape pens that fit in your pocket. There are also so many different types of vapes available— some vapes only work with flower, others are designed for concentrates, and some can handle both.

If you don’t want anybody knowing about your fondness for cannabis, vape pens are your best bet. Many vape pens look similar to tobacco vapes, so unless you specifically tell people you’re vaping cannabis, most won’t know.

That’s much easier than hiding the Volcano sitting on your coffee table every time you have family over. But if the only issue with weed in the apartment is the smell and the smoke, the Volcano is an excellent option for vaping in the comfort of your own home.

Tasty Terpenes

The reason why vaping and dabbing can taste so much better than smoking is because of the preservation of the terpenes. Terpenes are aromatic oils found in many different plants that are responsible for the wonderful variety of cannabis’ aromas and flavours. These compounds are quite delicate, and when you smoke cannabis, the terpenes are often destroyed by the intense heat of the flame.

But when vaped or dabbed, the temperatures are low enough that many of the terpenes are retained, making for full-bodied flavours you can’t get with smoking.

2. Edibles

If you want to be discreet, cannabis edibles are another great option. They’re also easy to dose accurately, and many edibles look just like regular candy or gummies.

You might actually have to be careful that your edibles don’t get mixed with regular candy, or that a kid might accidentally take one.

A potential downside of edibles is how long they can take to kick in. It’s not as reliable as smoking a joint or even vaping. You could be waiting anywhere from thirty minutes to a few hours for the edible to hit.

But, there isn’t any smoke or vapour with edibles which equals zero smell (unless you’re baking your own pot brownies in the oven or something like that!).

Smoking weed in the apartment

Relaxing with a joint at home can be one of the best ways to unwind after a long day. Unfortunately, some people don’t feel the same way, and if you live with them, sometimes you have to get creative if you want to chill and blaze at home.

Everyone’s living situation is different. Maybe you only smoke in your room, or only smoke when your housemates are out, or maybe vaping is fine, but smoking is a strict no. We’ve provided a list of tips that can help you be more low-key about it.

Whatever you do, try to find a nice balance where everyone can be happy because that will make life easier for everyone.


Herb: 7 Ways To Smoke Weed In Your Apartment On The Sly.

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