The 14 Essential Weed Accessories Every Stoner Needs

The 14 Essential Weed Accessories Every Stoner Needs

Imagine buying fresh new bud, only to realize you’ve run out of rolling papers! There is nothing worse for a stoner than not having the weed accessories you need when you need them.

Whether you’re new to smoking or a long-time stoner, there are certain accessories that every cannabis connoisseur needs in their kit. Ready to go shopping?

The types of weed accessories you need vary by your preferred consumption method—someone who prefers vaping is going to need a completely different assortment of products than someone who smokes.

Accessories for Smoking 

1. A Lighter (or Two!)

Whether you smoke joints or use a bong, a lighter is an absolute necessity when smoking weed. Have you ever found yourself with some dank bud, a loaded pipe, or tightly rolled joint and no way to light it?

No one wants to sit down to smoke and realize they don’t have a lighter. Stock up with a couple of lighters so that you know you will never find yourself stuck without one.

If you’ve got pockets, establish a designated lighter pocket, or always carry one in your purse or bag. Some people even have an emergency lighter stashed somewhere safe.

  • Tip: Unique lighters that stand out will lessen the chance of someone “accidentally” stealing it. From personal experience, I’ve found that bright pink lighters or ones with a pattern/design on them are much less likely to be lost than a blue or black lighter.

2. An Ashtray

It may seem obvious, but if you’re new to smoking, you might forget one of the absolute essentials: an ashtray. Having an ashtray nearby will save you the trouble of having to ash into a whatever’s nearby- whether it’s a glass, plate, or empty beer can.

Old ashes piling up can be pretty unsightly. Plus, there are tons of cool ashtrays out there. Why not add a new accessory to your living room? Find an ashtray made of ceramic or silver, and guests will be asking where you got it.

3. Eye Drops

Eye drops are something that every stoner should have in his/her back pocket. They especially come in handy when you have a busy day ahead of you. Most of us don’t want to show up to an event with red eyes that lets everyone know we’ve been smoking. Not to mention the dryness or itchiness that your eyes can experience when you’re high.

Look into what kind of eye drops are right for the symptoms you experience when smoking.

Accessories for Bongs and Dab Rigs

4. Cleaners and Brushes 

Smoking from a bong that has never been cleaned can significantly alter the flavour of your bud. The water will get dark, and the resin will cake to the sides of the bowl. If you’re going to be smoking from a bong, it is essential to keep your bong clean after each smoking session.

Bongs are easy to clean with some rubbing alcohol and sea salt, and brushes can also help. Cleaning your bong regularly will keep it sparkling, which helps your lungs, too. Seeing clear water at the bottom of your bong will give you peace of mind whenever you sit down to smoke weed.

5. Glass Pipe or Bowl 

Remember those high school days of smoking out of an apple or Coke can? Nasty, right? Those days are long gone. Every stoner needs a nice piece to smoke out of. Glass bowls and pipes are portable and easy to use.

  • Tip: Smoking weed with a pipe or bowl is much easier to use for beginners, especially if you don’t know how to smoke a joint.

glass pipes weed accessories

6. Dab Rigs

Dabbing can be intimidating to newcomers, but it’s worth it for long-time stoners to look into the benefits of dabbing concentrates. When done safely, dabbing can have powerful effects that kick in almost instantly. If you’re wondering what to dab, you’ve got a lot of options, like cannabis oils, shatter, and budder.

Rolling Accessories 

7. Rolling Papers

When it comes to weed accessories, rolling accessories are something every stoner should have in their arsenal. Joints are the ultimate option for smoking away from your home base—there’s no need to carry a pipe or bong, just a thin pack of papers. Natural rolling papers like Raw Classic rolling papers are cheap and easy to keep around for any time you may need them, and they easily fit into a purse or wallet.

8. Grinder 

Most stoners can remember a time before they got their first grinder. Back when they would rub their fingers together to break up buds until they were small enough to roll, leaving them with sticky fingers and dirty fingernails. Fortunately, those days are long gone for most stoners.

A grinder is a necessity these days. A grinder with a kief catcher will also help you separate and collect all the resinous crystals, which you can sprinkle on your joints for a little extra kick. If you saved enough, you could even press it into hash!

9. Pre-Rolled Joints

Rolling your own joint is great and all, and it’s a skill that we’d highly recommend anyone learning, but sometimes all you want to do is kick back and smoke without the hassle. That’s when a pre-rolled joint comes in handy. 

pre rolled joints

10. Joint filters

Joint filters come in wildly handy and make smoking joints so much easier, especially when you get to the end. For those that don’t know, joint filters are small pieces of paper that go at the end of the joint to not only keep the weed from getting in your mouth as you toke but to give your fingers extra room to hold onto so your fingers don’t get as sticky or smelly from your smoke sessions.

You also don’t have to worry about accidentally burning yourself if you toke too hard or mess up the hand-off, and they also prevent your joint from clogging up at the end.

Business cards are commonly cut up to make filters, but if you’re running low on those, you can always get the Raw Rollings Tips to ensure your joint satisfaction.

Weed Storage Accessories

11. Smell Proof Containers 

For all stoners, weed is precious—after all, it can be quite expensive. Which makes it essential to find ways to store weed to keep it fresh while containing its distinctive aroma. You may smoke daily, but that doesn’t mean you want your house to smell like weed.

You’ll definitely want to add a glass jar to your weed stash accessories. Few things are more enticing than a glass jar packed to the brim with beautiful BC bud, and even better, you can use them again and again.

Buying weed that already comes in its own storage container saves the hassle of worrying about where you will store it.

Glass jars are perfect for storing weed because they seal tight to keep your weed fresher longer and are exponentially more smell-proof than a plastic baggie.

You may think of mason jars as generally storing jam or pickles, but they make the perfect smell-proof container for weed. Mason jars are affordable and easy to find at most grocery or department stores.

Weed Vaping Accessories 

12. Vaporizer

Smoking weed is great, but it’s easy to worry about its effect on your lungs. Vaporizing is a safer option than smoking, and it’s easier to be discreet about it. Every stoner should consider adding a vaporizer to their collection of best weed accessories—it’s a great way to medicate on the down low.

If you’re really into vaping, then you’ll probably want to leave the disposable vapes behind and get a reusable vape, of which there are 2 main kinds: dry flower and oil.

13. Battery and Charger

In addition to being easier on the lungs than smoking, vaping is also more discreet. With vaping, you don’t have to worry about the pungent odour of weed smoke giving you away anymore. You can vape anywhere on the go without having to worry about ash either, although you might want to be mindful of areas that are supposed to be smoke (and vape) free like parks and beaches.

You can make it even easier to vape from anywhere with a battery and charger. You could even take the vape with you out into the forests of British Columbia and you won’t have to worry about your vape going dead. Even better, there are none of the fire hazards from smoking to worry about, either.

For the foodies

14. Stainless Steel Double Boiler 

This one might feel unexpected. But when it comes to baking with cannabis, a stainless-steel double boiler is clutch. Oils and butter can be infused with bud in the covered top pot. A double boiler is especially perfect for tempering cannabis chocolates. What could be a better weed accessory for foodies than the ability to make cute personalized weed chocolates or whip up a batch of special brownies?

That’s All, Folks

While that’s all we have for our list today, there are plenty more weed accessories on the market to make sure you are set to get blazed anywhere, anytime. Happy toking!

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